Each learning experience is a pushing hand for growth and a unique encounter.

Since this is a leather art website, only the relevant learning experiences are indicated here. Certainly there are more to mention, such as Ikenobo master Ms. Pin-Lien Hsu, pottery artist Mr. Pao-Chia Lin, folklore art collector Mr. Mu-Yang Chang, distinguished translator Ms. Elsa Jen-Chin Fan and etc. I truly appreciate all my respected tutors. Without their giving, there would be no me nowadays.

1980 initiated by Japanese leather artist Mrs. Yoshiko Ikuda

1984 studied with Ms. Ranko Toyota from Japan, workshop in Taiwan

1985 studied with Ms. Ranko Toyota from Japan, workshop in Taiwan

1993 [April] instructed by Ms. Hisako Arai from SEIWA in Tokyo Japan
[May] instructed by Mrs. Yoshiko Ikuda in Osaka Japan

1994 studied with Mrs. Yoshiko Ikuda from Japan, workshop in Taiwan

1996 [June] instructed by Ms. Ranko Toyota in Tokyo Japan
instructed by Ms. Aiko Satsuka from KYOSHIN ELLE in Tokyo Japan
[July] instructed by Mr. Robb Barr, special workshop organized by KYOSHIN ELLE in Tokyo Japan
[Sep.] studied with Mrs. Yoshiko Ikuda from Japan, workshop in Taiwan

1997 [May] instructed by Mr. Toshikazu Yazawa in Tokyo Japan
[Sep.] studied with Mr. Robb Barr from the States, workshop in Taiwan

1998 [June] attended the workshops by Mrs. Helen Huxley, Mr. Bob Beard and Mr. Peter Main from“The Dimensions in Leather 1998” in Australia
[Aug.] instructed by Mr. Toshikazu Yazawa in Tokyo Japan
[Oct.] studied with Mrs. Yukiko Mizoguchi, workshop in Taiwan
studied with Mrs. Mikiko Nomura, workshop in Taiwan

1999 [March] studied with Mr. Toshikazu Yazawa, workshop in Taiwan
[July] instructed by Mr. Toshikazu Yazawa in Tokyo Japan
[Aug.] attended the special workshop by Mr. Bob Beard, organized by KYOSHIN ELLE in Tokyo Japan
[Oct.] attended the workshop by Mrs. Ami Newby from ”Last of The Century Leather Conference” in New Zealand

2000 [April] attended the special workshop by Mr. Rene Berends in Munich Germany
attended the workshops by Mr. Jose Bernardo, Mr. Hans Kimmel and Ms. Ingrid Mammey from “LEDER 2000” in Waalwijk Holland
[July] attended the special workshop by Mr. Tony Laier from Birdsall Leather & Crafts Co. in Sydney Australia

2001 [March] instructed by Mr. Toshikazu Yazawa in Tokyo Japan
[June] attended the workshops by Mr. Robb Barr and Mr. Peter Main from “The Dimensions in Leather 2001” in Australia

2002 [April] attended the workshop by Mrs. Helen Huxley from “20th Anniversary Conference NZ” in New Zealand
[June] instructed by Mr. Toshikazu Yazawa in Tokyo Japan
[Aug.] studied with Mrs. Yoshiko Ikuda from Japan, workshop in Taiwan

2003 [April] attended "Leather Jewelry" workshop by Mr. Rene Berends in Munich Germany attended "Uniting with Leather" workshop by Mr. Geert de Bruijn in Waalwijk Netherlands

2004 [June] studied with Mr. Ren'e Berends from Germany, workshop in Taiwan "Medieval Belt Pouch" "3-D Falcon
[November] attended “Connecting a stylish future” seminar from Taiwan Design Center

2005 [July] attended the workshops by Mr. Jules Godfrey from "The Dimensions in Leather 2005" in Australia
[July] attended the special workshop by Mr. Ren'e Berends from Birdsall Leather & Crafts Co. in Sydney ,Australia
[July] attended ‘2007 New thoughts on colour” from Taiwan Fashion Colour Association

2006 [August] attended “Old is New” seminar from Taiwan Design Center attended ‘2008 New thoughts on colour” from Taiwan Fashion Colour Association
[October] attended the forum by Mr. Alexander Manu & Mr. Elmar Schuller from "Envisioning the Trend 2006”
[Fashionable color- Color divination] from Taiwan Fashion Colour Association

2007 [Sep.] Attended “2009 New thoughts on color” from Taiwan Fashion Color Association

2011 [Aug.] [Fashionable color- Color divination2012~2013] from Taiwan Fashion Color Association

2014 [July] studied with Mrs. Akiko Okada from Japan, workshop in Taiwan

2015 [June] studied with Mrs. Akiko Okada from Japan, workshop in Taiwan

2016 [October] studied with Mrs. Ikuda Yoshiko from Japan, workshop in Taiwan
[October] studied with Mrs. Toyoshima Sachiko from Japan, workshop in Taiwan

2018 [Sep.] " Linking leather art with Indigo dyeing" Pre-meeting seminar with Mrs. Kiyoko Itoi in Tokyo, Japan
[Oct.] attended the workshops by Mrs. Kiyoko Itoi from "
Linking leather art with Indigo dyeing" in Taipei

2019 [Feb.] " attended the workshops by Mr. Iwamoto Shunichi in Tokyo, Japan