hundred and nineteen hours after the 921 Earthquake, I was on board
in Singapore Airline with sentiments to fly towards the South once again.
For a promise, to lecture a workshop for ”Last of The Century Leather
didn’t see any chaotic phenomenon in the end of the century occurred
here, a clean, peaceful and rich land. The enthusiasm, sincerity and
humor of KIWI comforted me, a Taiwanese from far after the shake. How
blissful it was! Different racial leather lovers from worldwide could
get together for learning, challenging each other, and having fun. I
couldn’t express in words how much I appreciate the conference and
the new and old friends, but only cherish and work more with gratitude.
Especially the fellows from my multi-function box workshop, their support
and learning earnestness has deeply rooted in my memory. I have gained
from them more than I have given.
In the meanwhile of the conference in New Zealand, ”1999 International
Federation of Leather Guild’s Show” was actively happening in Denver,
Colorado, USA. Without the kind efforts from Mr. Rene Berends the chairman
of LEDER-GILDE in Germany, and Mrs. Joanne Fink the secretary of Columbine
Leather Guild in the States, I wouldn’t be able to assist the Taiwanese
members’ entering for the competition. Though the process was rather
difficult, luckily the result was marvelous. Especially Mr. Twan An-Kuo
has won several prizes alone that made the whole conference sit up and
take notice.
at once, the glory of Taiwan was glaring in the night skies of the South
and the North together. Such a beautiful achievement encourages me to
proceed to the future of leather art and to look forward to the reunion
somewhere in the world!